"Unleash Your Moxy to live a Sexy, Wealthy life," Rhonda
Rhonda Liebig, aka Rhonda Lou Moxy, with 15 years experience in media, writing books, and speaking in various industries she understands what it really takes to bring visualization, motivation and decision making for people to take action. This is why Rhonda started in the motivational arena, to bring Mindset Transformation Entertainment (TM) while also interviewing other experts on her show, to stop the shaming and blaming. This is Rhonda's vision while producing and hosting Fresh Talks - Global Vision, bringing heightened awareness to LIVE life instead of reliving the old, stale patterns of limiting beliefs; #speakerlockingarms. Rhonda is also currently preparing a worldly stage for her humanitarian work, "Humanity Mindset Transformation Entertainment (TM) Project" while utilizing her expertise and partnering with other global visionaries she is gathering conversations of inspiration, strategies and focus for world changes.
In Rhonda's coaching she utilizes her 25 years experience in accounting, consulting CPA work, mindset coaching, and AADP Certified Health Coach, she inspires her client's to increase their sexy, wealthy life by getting real with the energy in life, Vitality. Rhonda focuses on quantum leaps and time bending to get to the bigger picture of YOU with her Three Energy Revitalize Pillars. The bottom line results when working with Rhonda is to calm the nervous system, open up decision making to standing in their power leadership role. As a result of her expertise, she's consulted in over $13 million in corporate sales and now has been consulting for business/entrepreneurs and speakers to coaches, trainers, healers and motivational speakers.
Her, "Energized Path Solution - Stop the Vicious Cycle and Return to Sexy You" system enabled her to take action of calming her nervous system to no longer taking hypothyroid medicine and now living in high vitality, thinking quicker and living in a consistent high innovative state to grow her business and coach others through their road blocks in health and income. Rhonda's experience throughout these past years challenges have brought her into a deeper intuitive, heart life approach as the CEO of Vitality Heart Hub community.
Take action and book Rhonda to speak in front of your group...
AWARD WINNING AADP CERTIFIED HEALTH COACH - the get RAW go BOLD be YOU Sexy, Healthy, Wealthy Vitality Coach
Talk Description #1
get RAW go DEEP be YOU to live a Sexy, Wealthy, Healthy Business Lifestyle!
As a person seeking life's biggest challenges, that's YOU, this is where we face our limiting beliefs when it comes to serving in your business / passion. Your personal and business life can get clunky in this discovery path. So let's go there and have a conversation about showing up as the RAW, ready to go DEEP being the new YOU; is what you will find in this talks. Rhonda will go in on the motivational side plus utilizing tools to share with your audience as they find their next layer of showing up consistently in LIVE video, in person events events (you don't always have to be a speaker to get new clients), and writing email.
2 Questions for you:
The LOUD chatter out there affecting YOU?
Are you showing up as the true YOU?
Some people may call this competition and/or comparing yourself to others if you start comparing instead of doing what you do best.
Then, how do you resolve this?
By marketing fully in your passion in your authentic suit and staying into action (no hiding).
Rhonda will introduce you to the action steps that will quantum leap your business to the next level.
In this unique talk you will learn how to:
Book Rhonda as your audience will discover what are the special challenges to running their business at the next level! It's time to be RAW go DEEP new YOU!
Talk Description #2
We are Partners - It’s time to lock arms and create influence #speakerlockingarms #globalvision!
In this discussion Rhonda will share how to break through the loud chatter that is happening, find your power partners and create your personal influence by creating your #globalvision. With so many transformation businesses being created over the past couple of years we will discuss the importance in rebirthing YOU, your business and your influence by creating your own personal #globalvision. This is how your audience members get to see you showing up as YOU... and not mimicking someone else. Rhonda will be breaking down old stale strategies vs new strategies as she guides you in connecting more to your vision and the changes you yearn for in the world. That's why we will be working with the motivation and the creation of your global vision so that you leave this talk with a higher vibration of you and your work out there in the world. No one else can be you... there's your power button. This talk is for you if you are ready to strut, authentic you and partner with other powerhouses by speaking your #globalvision!
You will learn:
Talk Description #3
Pamper Your Profits While Building Business In Your Unique Talk!
Rhonda is a high believer in taking care of yourself before you take care of others. Over the years Rhonda has created a health routine that has helped her discover more about herself than any therapy has ever done for her in the past. This approach has taught and guided Rhonda in ways that she didn’t see would be the results to getting off of Hypothyroid medicine that she was on for 20 years and to finding her true business model that she loves.
Too many are out there over working and losing their grip on why they even started business in living their true passion. You will want to be here for Rhonda’s talk if you are a speaker or getting ready to launch your speaker business. Rhonda is the CEO and creator of her Vitality Heart Hub with three departments; Vitality Speaker Coaching, Vitality Business Coaching and Vitality Health Coaching PLUS the founder of a multi-media tv show The Fresh Inspiration Show - Mindset Transformation Entertainment (TM), a monthly speaker platform where she helps others get out there with their business through speaking.
In this talk you are going to be learning:
Talk Description #4
The Way You Look At Your Timeline Will Heal Your Body , Mindset and your Business
Have you been on a journey to finally stop the chaos in your life and create a new vitality flow in everything that you touch? Rhonda believes that everything tethers together. Thus if you looking at upleveling your business, cash flow, lifestyle, relationships, etc then this is where you start... creating vitality in your life to heal your body... learn about your life timeline to get to know yourself to work in a smarter way in your day; quantum leaps are possible once you learn the formula.
Rhonda will be sharing with you how the Vitality Healing Timeline will create information that you need right now so that your body starts healing and you will be more open to quantum leap your business, cash flow, lifestyle, relationships, etc. Rhonda will be sharing her strategies that she has learned in her personal journey of getting off of hypothyroid medicine and how she started using the timeline, utilizing the information and updated her day to create higher energy in her day.
This talk is for you if you are a speaker, business owner, yearning for health updates, getting off of medicine, learning more about YOU or ALL of the above. Rhonda's intentions in this talk is to be with you sharing her knowledge through 20 years in the health industry, 10 years as a CPA business approach, 10+ years as an entrepreneur and 5 years of being off of medicine after 20 years of living on medicine.
Talk Description #5
Your Mind Is Directly Speaking To Your Vitality
Rhonda will be using her signature tools depending on how much time she gets to have with you: Three Energy Revitalize Pillars, FITT Process, ROAR Method and Top 10 Sabotage List of Words and Phrases. These tools are going to create a new journey for you in your vitality. You will learn why you are having deep low energy in your day and this discussion is not just about food there are many layers that occur in your day that directly drop your energy. Let's have a conversation using the tools that Rhonda has created for you.
Rhonda has been in the health industry for 20 years. Throughout her journey Rhonda has discovered some gems that are interwoven with thought patterns and the demise of our health. In this talk you will excitingly discover your Vitality Blueprint through question and answers that you can answer for yourself. Rhonda will share her ROAR Energy Assessment where you will learn how to Reset Your Organs And Revitalize (ROAR).
These discoveries started occurring once Rhonda broke up with her hypothyroid medicine five years ago after living with medicine for 20 years. Yep, this was one of the biggest breakups that she has ever had in her life and she's going to share her wisdom with you in a high interactive discussion. This is one of Rhonda's great authentic moves during her talk is to keep you engaged and playing along. Since this talk is about health, you can take notes and not even use your vocals and still receive massive ideas around your blueprint.
In this talk you are going to be creating a Jump Start in your personal Vitality Blueprint as you will be introduced to your health and wellness story utilizing the strategies during the talk and the tools that you will leave with is for your:
Hire Rhonda to get your sizzle talk together, CLICK and learn more.
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